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Mommy's Reading Break

I'll read almost anything if it sounds good, but I tend to read mostly YA, and a lot of those are paranormal or dystopian. I have started to branch out into more contemporary lately.

Currently reading

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Jim Dale, J.K. Rowling
Eat, Brains, Love
Jeff Hart
Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles, #1)
Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl, Kevin Collins
The Star Dwellers - David Estes I received a copy of this book as a gift from the author after reviewing The Moon Dwellers.If you read my review of The Moon Dwellers back in January, you'll know that I pretty much loved it. In fact, I gave it 4.5 stars. However, I had other books I needed to read, so I didn't move right on to The Star Dwellers. Honestly, as months went by, I was starting to get ashamed of the fact that I hadn't completed this series that I'd seen so many others love so much, and that I had really enjoyed the introduction to. So finally, after 7 months, I decided to rectify the situation!I was a little nervous going into The Star Dwellers, as I have a pretty decent friendship with David Estes on Goodreads, I have almost all of his books, and his fans are extremely loyal and love his books. Obviously, I had pretty high expectations for The Star Dwellers, and I was really nervous that it wouldn't be able to live up to them. Also, since it had been seven months, I didn't remember much of the previous book, other than the fact that I thought it was great.Honestly, I will say that for the first half or so of The Star Dwellers, I wasn't hugely impressed. There was some twists and surprises that I totally didn't see coming, but aside from those, the pace was much slower than I was expecting. I kept trying to remember the previous book, and even though I wasn't positive, I thought it was faster paced than The Star Dwellers was turning out to be. It was a lot of backstory, war/rebellion discussions, and exposition, but not a ton of action. Also, since Adele and Tristan are separated, there's a lot of thinking of, daydreaming about, and pining for each other that I also felt slowed down the pace about. However, I knew I had to give it a fair chance, though, because I know a lot of people love it. Also, I'm well aware of the "second in a series slump", so I knew that chances were, The Star Dwellers was setting us up for bigger and better things.I am SO GLAD that I stuck with The Star Dwellers because around the halfway point, I believe, it picked up and picked up wonderfully. I found myself feverishly flipping the pages to see what would happen, and as the action and intensity picked up, I found myself holding my breath and my heart in my throat. There was so much going on at the end that I could barely keep up (in a good way, not a confused way). There were surprises and threats, and several scenes that had me choking back tears. In fact, I liked the ending so much that I threw away my reading schedule and went straight into The Sun Dwellers!One other thing that bothered me a little in this book: Even though I'm all for guys being emotional and unafraid of tears, there were so many scenes with guys, but Tristan especially, having to blink back tears that I was starting to get frustrated. Tristan is supposed to be a great fighter, and strong, yet he was super emotional in this book. I suppose it's understandable with everything that's going on in his world, but it just annoyed me a bit. Adele, on the other hand, spent most of her time being her amazing kick-ass self! I LOVE her!Overall, while I think The Star Dwellers suffered a little bit from a slower pace and second-book-in-a-series syndrome for the first half, I thought that it was another great book by David Estes, and it definitely left me wanting more of the story immediately!